Awesome Trilogy

September 8th, 2011

I have recently been thinking about how about films are and how they are given sequels to make more money rather than to continue the story. Which is a bit of a shame, for the best trilogies and quadrilogies are ages old now such as Back to the Future, Die Hard (bar Die Hard 4, for the sheer pomposity), the original Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings. What we need is a new idea to bring a new trilogy to the masses, one that’s made for practically nothing and will easily bring in a cool mil or so.

Fast forward to my idea. Three films to encapsulate the feelings and frustrations of the 21st century. Films that you can identify with, that you can sit down and watch for hours on end. Films that make you think and feel and hate and love in equal measures.

Fast forward to my idea then. Three films: Sitting, Walking and Running.

The first film takes into account how backwards-thinking society is and how old ideas are recycled rather than brand new ones being created. It’d be three hours of a woman sat on a chair.

The second film shows how gradually people are moving into the future but not at the kind of pace that they should be, how meandering life can be, how people get caught up on the little things that they fail to see the big picture. It’d be three hours of a woman walking along a street.

In the final thrilling film we look at how success can easily lead into failure, how people never stop to think about what they’re saying or doing and jump in with both feet first and to hell with the consequences. The result would be a first for the film industry; three hours of a woman running along the street.

I await my Oscars in the post.

Entry Filed under: Ian

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