My Frankenstein Moment

November 3rd, 2009

Yes! Yes!

Despite science and most of the population of the United Kingdom saying that it wasn’t possible I have defied all to actually create the world’s greatest invention… THE WHEEL OF THRUSTING!

It’s only a prototype but my lord does it purr like a kitten. To ensure that it has been made to the highest quality and standard it will be accompanying me tonight as I travel back to the Motherland (aka Leeds) to see Wilco in concert and will be making most of my decisions whilst under the influence. Furthermore it will then follow me further afield on Friday, drawing back to Leeds but then hopping into a car-dro-mat and driving with Mr Head down to Didsbury to see how it copes with the Manc way of life.

Once it has passed these crucial tests it will be then sent to the first and only customer of the Home Beans Shopping Network, Mr Christopher James Marshall. I believe that is all gentlemen. If I could work this shizz machine I would upload a photo but I can’t can’t can’t so I won’t won’t won’t.

Entry Filed under: Ian,Look at this,What I Did Today

Something random

