Archive for February 13th, 2008

Silly things kids believe

I was looking on the world web of wonder and found this site which had me laughing…

My mum used to wrap dumplings in tin foil and hide them in the garden before we had stew (yuck) then she used to call me to go hunt the dumplings down, I thought for years they were some kind of creature that lived in the ground that she then boiled and we ate.

I used to have two imaginary friends too, a boy and his dog, called Scargo and Banfa, yeah, cool names or what?! Obviously Russian or something. They lived behind the sofa and my mum had to set the table for them etc.
It’s nice to know I wasn’t so twisted as I thought though from reading what other people believed.

14 comments February 13th, 2008

Something random

