Would you like to have a go at tiling? You should try it, it’s very satisfying. The only thing you need to consider is that your first project should start off small so you can get the hang of it.
Our utility room has a toilet and a tiny microsink, but the sink was on a painted wall so water would splash on the paint all the time. It needed some tiles. Do a bit of googling and the entire internet will tell you that tiling a splashback is one of the simplest jobs and a great way for a beginner to learn tiling. Great, I thought. I’ll do that then.
The project scope expanded a bit, so now we are tiling the wall around the sink, and the windowsill which didn’t have an actuall sill, and the wall beside the toilet because it’s just a big empty wall and it will look nice. No problem. Bigger than a splashback but that’s just more tiles to stick on, not more difficulty.

All of the above is incorrect. It turns out that I have selected the world’s most fiddly tiling job as my first foray into the world of tiling. This isn’t an easy beginner’s introduction. It is a Tile Saga.
- The sink is hard up against the side wall, so ideally would be removed so that the wall to the side and behind it could be tiled and the sink re-attached on top of the tiles. But it would have to be replaced slightly to the right, which is further than the pipes will reach, so it would all need re-plumbing, which I am not prepared to do.
- Therefore the sink must stay in place and have tiles cut to go around it. But the sink is entirely curved – every part of it is curved, even across the top, where it could easily just be flat. So all the tiles around it must be cut with very specific and unique curves in them.
- There are three pipes underneath and another pipe coming out of the side wall for the toilet cistern overflow. Tiles must be cut around these, requiring more curved cuts.
- There’s no point getting an extremely expensive tile drill because they are for cutting circles in the middle of tiles, which I don’t need because all the pipes meet joints, and anyway the pipes are all different sizes and the curves are all unique and not even a consistent radius, so every curved cut needs to be done manually.
- I have therefore invested in an angle grinder with a diamond cutting disc, which lets me cut very thin slices, and gentle curves, and notches out of tiles to go around the corners of the window. The angle grinder is the single most terrifying object I own because it cuts through ceramic tiles like soft butter and would remove fingers or even whole limbs if given half a chance. The tiles are small and must be held in place when you cut them so your fingers are very close to the blade. I am scared whenever I have to turn it on.
- The angle grinder still cannot cut tight enough curves to get the pipework or the tighter sink edges right, so those bits must be manually filed out of the tiles using a file, which can take up to 20 minutes for a single tile and produces huge volumes of ceramic tile dust, as does the angle grinder now I come to think about it.
- I didn’t think about the dust until I developed a dry cough which has mostly gone now but still occasionally rears its head.
The tiles arrived in April and I have now finished tiling the two walls and the windowsill. They still need grouting which is another new skill I am now approaching with some trepidation because it must surely hold further unknown pitfalls.
The other windowsill and the backsplash around the worktop at the other side of the utility room need tiling too, but that can now wait for a few months because I need to do some jobs in the garden and tiling the utility room has used up all my DIY time so far this summer.
The tiling looks nice.
I am pleased with the result.
I am glad I don’t have any more pipes or curved bits to do.
I’m pretty sure I am now due an honorary doctorate in tiling.
11 comments on “Tile saga”
You and your tiles. It started off as a summer romance and quickly turned into the kind of nightmare Kev would develop into a six part limited series on Netflix.
He already has. He’s going to be executive producer on a new six part Netflix series that tells the story of my tile saga, but to make it appeal to the American market it’s going to be set in Detroit and instead of me it’ll be a white rapper who’s trying to renovate a utility room. It’s going to be called Eight Tile.
I do have a question: what’s with the little plastic white bits in-between the tiles? Is it to ensure there’s a space kept for when you’re grouting or something else?
Asking for a friend who’s never done any tiling (Kev).
Yes. Makes all the spaces equal. They’re called spacers.
You can buy them in either plus shapes or T shapes, so they push in between the tiles at the corners, but if you use them like that you’re a n00b. Only losers use them the way the shape of them implies. If you’re a pro like me, as in someone who has watched multiple tiling videos on YouTube, you use them as shown in the photo.
So you put the things in so that it leaves a gap and then you can fill that gap with toothpaste, or whatever it is, and then it looks professional. Right?
Yes. All my gaps are now full of toothpaste. The decking smells minty fresh whenever we sit outside now.
Are you ever tempted to lick your finger and run it over the toothpaste lines?
I prefer to cut out the middleman and just lick the minty toothpaste lines.
Now you’re thinking. How long does it stay minty?
All I know is that it hasn’t faded yet.
Much like my star quality. I’m bouncing back any day now!