Avatar A moment from history

“Oh dear, English hearts are broken the world over. Mrs Goggins has missed her penalty meaning that England are knocked out by Germany. They will not make it past the semi-finals and Germany will go on to play the Czech Republic at Wembley Stadium.

Goggins looks gutted, a world on her shoulder and nothing to show for it. Our thoughts are with her at this most trying of times. There was nothing more she could do. I expect everyone in Greendale felt that.”

7 comments on “A moment from history

  • I for one did not realise that Mrs Goggins was so tall or athletic. She kept that well hidden behind the Post Office counter.

  • Goggins, or “the Goggster” as she was known back in the day, hid a lot of her better qualities behind that counter. They never aired the episode where she chinned a customer for complaining about the price of stamps.

  • I feel such a fool. I can see, now that I look back through my extensive collection of football magazines, such as “Mega Kicking Monthly” and “Total Balls”, that Mrs Goggins is one of the world’s top flight football stars. I just didn’t realise it was her because they always use her other nickname, The Gogginator.

  • Kev had a yearly subscription to “Mega Kicking Monthly” and we would spend hours flicking through pages of each issue looking at pictures of feet and footballs, and legs and perfectly groomed lawns, and marvel at the wonder of it all.

  • The best thing about Mega Kicking Monthly were the pull-out kicking posters. Over the course of a year you could collect 12 posters that showed you step-by-step how to do a kick using life-size leg diagrams.

  • It’s a shame that the internet took over everything. I’m not sure I’ll ever know how to properly do a kick without those posters. It’s not like there’s anything on here as effective and informative as “Mega Kicking Monthly” or “Megs Kick Monke” as we used to call it.

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