Avatar What smells do bugs dislike?

The other day I was on our usual route through the woods, taking the dog for a walk. Strapped to the side of an otherwise innocent tree, I found something that hadn’t been there the day before, and which hasn’t been seen since. Someone had posted a question in the woods.

The question is “what smells do bugs dislike?”

I didn’t know the answer to this so I had to do some research. Here are my findings.

  • Ladybirds dislike the smell of marmalade.
  • Daddy Long Legs actively avoid the odour of pigs and pig manure.
  • Butterflies mostly agree that fried onions are heinous, except the Cabbage White which doesn’t mind fried onions but can’t bear the smell of them raw.
  • The flat-backed millipede has a deep-rooted hatred of leather gloves.
  • Grasshoppers find the smell of pineapple nauseating.
  • Bumblebees, honey bees and mason bees all share a mild distaste for the smell of bacon.
  • Caddisflies are enraged by the stench of meths.
  • Red-headed cardinal beetles can smell hot custard a mile off and it turns their stomachs.
  • Cockchafer beetles have enough to worry about and didn’t respond to my survey.

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