Avatar Even more old news

Everyone – and by that, I mean I assume everyone without having actually checked with any of you – everyone enjoyed my previous forays into old news, looking back at what had happened on various days in May and January. Since I’m low on posts this month we’re coming to the end of another year, this seemed like a good time for a look back at December 19 in the personal history of one Christo M. Fury.

Given that we’re just a few days adrift from Christmas, I was surprised to discover that my camera roll from this day in years gone by does not contain as many Christmassy things as I expected. Let’s see what’s in here.

One year ago today

A year ago 2020 Chris was watching the light show at a manor house in Buckinghamshire in the freezing cold. I’ve got lots of pictures of this, and also this twinkly movie.

Two years ago today

2019 Chris was at work two years ago today, and had been asked to re-tune a satellite receiver because the tuning parameters for one of the TV networks he deals with had changed. He took this thrilling picture of the receiver to take back to the office and look up its IP address.

Three years ago today

It was a red letter day for 2018 Chris. He had been in West London to take some pictures for an article he was writing and accidentally stumbled on the riverside park where some Taskmaster team tasks were recorded. Who could forget Josh Widdicombe receiving a potato while blindfolded here?

Four years ago today

It’s four long years since we all discovered just where the end of “endless” really is.

Five years ago today, nothing happened that was in any way worthy of commemorating with a picture.

Six years ago today

A thrilling day for not just 2015 Chris, but also for the world of popular music, as the first pressings of The Papples’ final album, A Sensual Awakening, arrived from the factory. Fans were already queueing outside record shops waiting for the first deliveries, and I was so excited I couldn’t take a picture without blurring it.

Seven years ago today

One of the toilets at work was out of order, but the other one didn’t look much more promising.

Eight years ago today

2013 Chris was at his work Christmas party, where someone suggested he wear these baubles as earrings. He may have had a few drinks by this point but he didn’t think it was obvious in the picture.

Nine years ago today

Christmas arrived in Crizzle Palizzle on this day in 2012, as my real fir Christmas tree went up. It cost £2.50 from Tesco and fit neatly on the kitchen table.

Ten years ago today

Here’s a real treat. A decade ago today, Kev was reaching the end of a visit to the Crystal Palace penthouse, in which we had made stupid models with Lego and presumably done other things too. Anyway, the point is that before he went he helpfully made this video to demonstrate one of the many useful inventions we produced in this highly worthwhile endeavour.

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