A lot has happened over the last month, as you know. A lot.
Lost among all the other seismic news from September 2023 has been this piece of information, though, which feels quite important, so I am now bringing you the facts.
We now have a dog.
The dog is great. Here are just some of the things our dog is good at.
12 comments on “Jolly Good: dog news”
I have SO MANY questions. Let’s start with:
1. What’s the gender?
2. What is his/her name?
3. Can I keep them?
1. A dog
2. Dog
3. Yeah, probably
I feel like Kev is not as enthusiastic about dogs as we might have hoped.
1. The gender is lady dog.
2. Fizz.
3. No.
I generally dislike dogs, especially ones that want to be my friend, however I can tolerate small ones that don’t cover me on hair or bark much. Does she fall into that bracket?
She’s tiny. Why I could scoop her up into my pocket and you’d never know she was there.
Also if they’re covering you on hair I think you should have a word with the iwner.
Fizz will not cover you in hair and she will only normally bark if someone unexpectedly comes to the door. However, she will not tolerate being put in anyone’s pocket.
What if her head was gleefully sticking out of the pocket. Would that be more acceptable?
This is unbelievably controlling behaviour. I’ve just told you she won’t tolerate it. Why do you want to put my dog in a pocket? Why can’t you just let her live her life?
If there’s a cute dog involved I’m going to try to steal him/her at some point. I make no apologies for my actions but in case you want one, here’s a tepid one I left out of the fridge for a few weeks:
“I’m sowwy.”
I hated that. What an awful apology. Ugh. I feel soiled.
Doggo looko cute-o gotta take-o when you least-o expect-o.
That’s the way-o. Sorry-o.