Elena asked recently… “Can I html an image into this comment box?” The answer then was no.
The answer now is still no, but I have added a funky new picture comment tool deeley to the site, which might come in handy.
(Don’t say I never get you anything!)
P.S. I got a motherloving bean, motherlovers!
18 comments on “Picture comments!”
Alright, Rick Sanchez, take a chill pill.
It looks nice, but is it marketable?
Hang on I’ll get one of the accounts ladies to check…
I don’t know what to say, I’m honoured!
As a gesture of thanks, please accept this photo of a flying fish.
I don’t know what to be more excited about. Pictures in comments and Kev’s first bean in over a year. There’s a tear in my eye and it’s a tear of pure hot, salty joy.
Now Kev will have something to put on his mantelpiece. A hot, salty award of pure honour and dedication.
If I’d taken a picture of it in all its hot salty glory, I’d attach it to this comment using the new picture upload thingy.
But I didn’t so I haven’t.
That might be a little too sexy for this website. I doubt the server would be able to maintain full capacity knowing that was uploaded.
Then again, it always seems to manage me and I’ve got the gums of a God.
You have. And you’re totally hairy on the go. You’d have thought all that hair would have clogged up the fans on the server by now but somehow it still chugs onward.
With its sorry ass in tow.
I think I should upload a photo too. I’m totally gonna ramp this dry when I get a chance.
You should. I can’t wait to see what glorious imagery you’ll shove up here.
Would a picture of my hero be too much? He’s got a bit of a misunderstood reputation but to me he’ll always be “da best”.
No. Never too much. Slam that sucker online.
(“Slam that sucker online”?)
That’s what all the kids are saying these days. Reuben was bought Now 92 for Christmas. Now 92? When the Tic Tac Toe did they reach number 92?
Now 92? Wow. In two numbers time they’ll be on Now 94. I expect that’ll just be a reissue of Now 1994 which, of course, I own.
That has swoop-tastic dance almost instrumental Doop on it.
Another lovely hark back to a previous post too. Remembering is fun.
Remembering IS fun. I wonder how long before we can start fondly looking back on the Limpety Pinpicks with rose-tinted eyes.
What, them things dat happened like last year or summik? Dunno mate.
That bird won them 10 sports in a row and that guy ran like two hundred metres and got a medal.