Look at you!
You need to be part of something. You need to be part of the Hall’s Wall Mince Movement.
If you join the Hall’s Wall Mince Movement (or HWMM as it is known amongst its members) then you will be given great rewards, sometimes of meat.
I cannot promise you excitement, I cannot promise you fame and glory. I cannot even promise you a refund on the extortionate subscription fees but I can promise you a couple of bowls of spaghetti bolognese every now and then.
Follow my shiny glitter twinkles and I will lead the way!
21 comments on “The Hall’s Wall Mince Movement”
Yes! Look at me! I do need to be part of something!
I am following your shiny glitter twinkles now!
Lead on!
Mincey glitter twinkles? That’s very you.
He’s been known to flaunt his mincey glitter twinkles on a Friday, and a Saturday, night.
He’s the belle of the ball.
Why are y’all throwing shade my way? I was all set to follow your shiny glitter twinkles, which is what you asked me to do, but now I don’t think I’ll bother. I’ll probably just stay home and eat these biscuits.
Throwing… shade? What the H are you on about?
Also, those biscuits aren’t for you.
Then why did you leave them in my house?
I can leave MY biscuits wherever I want. If I want to leave them at yours then I will. If I want to throw them down the lane and watch tiny dogs picks at them, then I will. If there’s a shelf in Kev’s massive mansion that doesn’t have some toys or tools on them, heaven forbid, then I will break in and relish leaving my pack of chocolate digestives there.
The thing about your biscuits is that if you leave them in my house they’re going to get eaten.
I suppose what I’m saying is that I’ve eaten them.
Also, I was referring to Ian’s glitter twinkles, not your following of them. But…BUT… “throwing shade”? Are you some sort of tweenage girl? You’re so London now it hurts.
I don’t think “throwing shade” is either tweenage or London. London’s tweenagers would find my use of that term endearingly old-fashioned.
Siobhan watches an awful (such an apt word) lot of Ru Paul’s Drag Race and I’m pretty sure that’s a phrase they use a lot.
Chris, have you been boxset bingeing Ru Paul?
I don’t think I’ve ever watched so much of a second of that programme, and to say I do is a clear case of throwing shade at me. Now I have to wipe it off.
Take that whatever it is and peel it off, like a bad sunburn. That’s yours now. It’s a part of you.
https://grammarist.com/idiom/throw-shade/ implies that the phrase originated “in the African-American and Latino drag-performing community of the 1980s and 1990s” is that something you were big into?
I think we all know the answer to THAT question.
Oh yes, between the ages of three and seven I was a well-known member of the African-American and Latino drag-performing community, at least within the confines of East Garforth Junior and Infants School.
I now have an image of you that I’m not going to be able to forget.
Weren’t your big feather headdresses frowned upon under school uniform policy? How did you manage to learn maths with all your sequins shimmying all the time?
The simple answer is that I didn’t. You can trace my life-long numeric ineptitude directly back to my pre-teen drag days.
Are you blaming your lack of maths skills on the fact that you preferred dressing up as a woman in primary school?
I wasn’t planning on making it that plain, but yes, that does appear to be what I’ve somehow ended up saying.
That’s good. It’s good to get these things out in the open after all this time, take a fresh of breath air. Now go polish your feather boas or whatever it is you do on an evening.