I’ve started using lists again. I keep forgetting things that need doing, such as uploading a bunch of photos to this here website that Chris asked for months ago, so I write them down and there’s less chance I’ll forget. Nothing is 100% foolproof though.
I should use them more often. I should have lists for everything but then there’s the risk of having so many lists that I won’t have time to do anything because I’m too busy writing lists. I need to tread that fine line carefully.

Walking through the “mean streets” of Morpeth, we came across this list scrawled on the glass door of an abandoned derelict shop. I clocked it, made a mental note of its location and then came back to it again on the walk back to the car.
I’m not sure if they were trying to be funny or not. It is a strange list for sure. Who is Soo-fee? Are they as well-known as Taylor Swift, Coca Cola and God? I would have thought that ‘bees?’ would have made the list and the fact that they’re missing is a crime.
I’m not inclined to write any of my lists on something that isn’t a piece of paper or a notepad. I can’t scribble something on a pub and then drag that around with me, it’s not practical. Perhaps the person with the pen lives nearby and needed a visual clue on the way to work or school. Whatever the reason, keep yo lists outta ma face. I’ve got enough of my own
6 comments on “More lists”
Is this a list or multiple choice answers to the question “[covered by a poster] omnipresent?”. I mean technically its both, but whatever.
I’d have to say I’ve seen more of Taylor Swift, Coca Cola, and probably even sufi (soo-fee) than God, so I feel like they’ve made a solid choice.
*raises eyebrow*
How much of Taylor Swift have you seen?
As far as I can tell, Sufism does not involve omnipresence, and does not believe in omnipresence in anything other than god, which is no different to any other major religion. As a result, I assume the cross that has been placed in the Sufi box is to indicate that it is the wrong answer.
Without the bit in brackets to guide you, I originally thought it said, ‘Sy-Fi’ as in the TV channel.
How much of Taylor Swift… Not enough.
Sy-Fi is also not omnipresent, so no matter how you interpret that option it’s wrong.