The other week we put our bin out as usual. The black bin, which is recycling, and not the green bin, which is landfill. I would like to meet the person who chose that colour scheme and ask them why they have to take their problems out on the rest of us.
Anyway, we put it out, and when the binpeople had done their thing, we brought it back in. Except now it had a lid that didn’t work properly – it was attached only at one side and flapped around in an unhelpful manner when you tried to open it.
Luckily there’s an easy fix. Amazon will sell you new hinge pins for wheely bins, and for reasons I don’t fully understand it will sell you a pack of eight. Who needs to repair that many wheely bin hinges all at once?
When the new plastic things arrived I opened the pack and fitted one, which resolved the bin problem. I then noticed the label on the packet.
“QOPAHI”, it said, this being the sort of mindless collection of letters that makes up every brand name on Amazon these days. “Enjoy your comfortable life”.
Thanks, Qopahi. I will.
10 comments on “Your comfortable life”
Could Quinoa, sorry, QOPAHI be an acronym for something do you reckon?
Until there is solid evidence to the contrary I will assume it stands for Quality Objects of Plastic Abominable Homewares Incorporated.
Quick, Opera (Winfrey) Poured Aniseed Houmous Inside (your trousers)
Quite Outré Potentially Amazing Household Implements.
(The) Quantity Of Poultry Always Has Insights.
Quivering Ominously, Perched Atop Hills, Incontinent.
Quit Opening (the) Popcorn, Anthony, Have Insight.
(Very refined)
Quiz Oliver Persistently And He Informs
Having re-read the card it sounds very sarcastic.
‘Enjoy your comfortable life’ while I sit here in my own filth eating broken egg shells and wrapping a dead seagull around my shoulders for warmth.
They must have missed that bit because it wouldn’t fit in the space.
Is that what people working in Chinese plastic hinge pin factories do? I must admit I am not very worldly about these things.