This sign at work has not been successful in its aims.
Presumably, at some point, another bin will be provided by whoever considers it vitally important that this little-used basement corridor always has a bin available at this precise location. When that happens I suggest they adopt one, some or all of the following suggestions for improved security:
- Add “on pain of death” to the end of the sign
- Add a nice positive thumbs up symbol to the sign
- Have a speaker playing the sign’s message out loud on a loop in case the bin was taken by a blind person
- Keep the existing wording and layout of the sign, but enlarge it so that it covers the entire wall
- Use plainer language that low-life thieves will understand, like “get your stinking hands off my bin, you pilfering shitbags”
- Make multiple versions of the sign and use them to plaster the bin to the wall like papier-mâché
- Apply camouflage netting to the bin, thus rendering it invisible
- Put another more desirable bin next to the bin as bait
6 comments on “Do not remove”
The big question is why the Civil Aviation Authority are keeping their bins in a BBC basement corridor?
The bin might be very small and therefore still there but nobody can see it.
I expect it was the fact that the bin was full of old aeroplane bits that made it so attractive to theives.
Making the new bin so small it can’t be seen is a great idea. You could hide it behind the sign too for extra protection.
Nobody would ever steal my bin then. Sometimes I’d stand by it and shout, “keep your bloody hands off, missus” as people walked past. They’d never think of it. Swines.
Is it your bin? Are you the Civil Aviation Authority? How have I known you this long without knowing that you’re the Civil Aviation Authority?
You mean Ian? Ian “air travel regulations” McIver? He never shuts up about it. Its constantly aileron this, or pre-flight safety checks that. Can’t get him away from it.