Christmas is over and we’ve all eaten a bit too much. Too many roast potatoes*. Too many chocolates. Too much cake.
What you need is something healthy. Something full of nutrition. Something light and fresh. And thankfully, I have just the thing. Presenting the Pouring Beans 2018 Burger and Salad Special, a meal that superficially looks like burger and chips but which cunningly includes a generous helping of lush, healthy greenery. Enjoy!

* I’m being silly, of course. There is no such thing as too many roast potatoes.
20 comments on “Healthy eating”
The only thing I dislike about this post is that I didn’t get to eat the food.
I want that.
You can’t have that. But there will be a small prize if you can guess who did.
Hint: it was not me.
Can I have a hint as to what part of the world, or UK, you were in when it was thrust into your viso/volto?
Was it Bex? Did you sordidly photograph her food? Whoever’s food it was, it looks like you got up close and personal with it.
You may have a hint. It was in London, which is a major city in Northern Europe.
It was not a Bex burger.
… LONDOM? NEVER sorry never heard of it. Is it near Droitwich?
Was is Theresa May?
Did you finally catch up with Su Pollard after re-reading her autobiography two dozen times?
No. No. And no.
Was it the lead singer of Wang Chung? Were you having Wang Chung that night?
No, that wasn’t the night that Everybody Wang Chung Tonight. It was a different night. A Chungless night.
Was it the ghost of Phyllis Nelson? Were you finally moving closer, even though now she’s only a lovely spirit instead?
Was it former UN negotiator, Giandomenico Picco?
Was it vice chancellor of Reading University, David Bell?
I continue to travel further from Phyllis Nelson every day, so it wasn’t her. I think you both know that your other guesses are wrong.
Interestingly, since this post was made, I have mentioned to Kev that I have spent time with this person, but he hasn’t made the connection yet.
Kev? He’s got less connections than a broken switchboard.
I reckon you’ve got time to reel off at least two more of those before Kev’s back.
Kev? He’s got less connections than Jim Davidson’s agent.
Nobody got this right. The answer was: it was Al’s burger. The small prize has been won by me.
Al Gore? When was he in Leeds?