What the hell is going on here? On returning to the scout hut after Christmas, we discovered this pictographic story on one of our white boards. What is it saying, and more importantly, what does it mean?

Theories so far range from vampire attack to complex honeytrap operations, but what do you think?
9 comments on “Decode this…”
Man open door, fall through trapdoor. People rush to help. Man wearing two files as a hat approaches woman who rejects his advances and… is it some kind of archaeological expedition?
The key to this is to note that the artist used arrows to indicate a progression anticlockwise from the top left. So the correct sequence is this.
Man sees door in distance. Man asks other man about door. Man opens door. Man shouts a squiggly line through door. Man is happy to see lady with boobs emerge from door. Other man goes through door in search of more ladies. Bearded child arrives to reveal terms and conditions to two men. Men have to give up hats in payment for opening door. Now-hatless men repent. Men tell other man about adventure. Other man probably doesn’t believe them.
Are these the storyboards for the new Captain America film?
If the plot I described is correct, then yes, because that’s the plot of the film.
I guess there’s no point going to the cinema now then. Thanks everyone! You ruined the film that I didn’t want to see, nor was I going to see or pay money for. I hope you’re all happy.
I don’t know about happy but I’m certainly quite tired today. Does that count?
That does count. I’m glad you’re tired.
Are you still tired by the way? I’m blinging chipper like a right lad.
Tired? Me? I don’t even know the meaning of the word! I’m smashing, me. Smashing back doors in. Not sure whose. Life’s. Life’s back doors. I’m smashing those in. I think. God I’m tired.