Gather round, gather round everyone. It’s time for a fun competition that we can all take part in. Grab your friends, grab your relatives, even grab your doggo! Come one and all to start the new year the right way.
The right way being… over two weeks after it’s already started. Yes, I’m finally awake again and can form sentences that moderately make sense some of the time (and that’s all you can hope for when you’re me).
When I was at me mum’s house over Christmas, she had started the usual clear out of cupboards and tidying but sadly more pressing matters got in the way. She has a habit of forgetting about and then not using things before their sell-by date. These then get pushed near the back of the cupboard and are usually removed around December. Occasionally things get pushed to the very VERY back and are lost to time and space. How big are these cupboards? Not very, although you’d think they were the size of the Alhambra Theatre in Bradford when we move to the next part.
I fished out a couple of food items that were well past their best. Using state-of-the-art technology, I have removed the date and it’s up to YOU to guess when it expired. You get one point for the month and one point for the year. If you get both right you’ll receive a bonus point meaning there are three points up for grab each time. There are four games to play over the next four months and with minimal participation (for some of us, wink wink) you could win a superb prize (to be chosen at a later date, and not an imaginary prize like those jelly babies Christopher was jabbering about some months back).
First up – Mint and dark chocolate fondant thins from Sainsburgers. Choose your month and year, gentlemen.

11 comments on “Clompotition time”
There’s nothing imaginary about the Jelly Baby Quiz prizes. What we’re all still waiting for is for you to say what brand of jelly beans you like the best. It’s no use putting snarky comments in your Beans posts when the solution is in your hands.
As the logo is a paler orange than the earlier late 90’s version, I’m going to guess somewhere around 2014?
I’m going to say even more recent because it’s got the “by Sainsbury’s” thing and I don’t think they’ve been doing that more than 10 years. I’m going to say 2018.
Good good. What about months or are you both only suggesting years and giving up your chances to earn bonus points?
Also June.
Sorry lads, the answer we were looking for was November 2017. Thanks for your involvement though. Chris was very close, only 8 months out.
(Bloody sideways photos)
Well that is a shame. I was certain it was June, I just didn’t know which one.
You were almost there. I could see it, Kev could see it, he was sweating his face off knowing you were so close. Next time you’ll nail that sucker.
I’m never very happy with this type of confectionary that calls itself “thins”. “Thin” isn’t a noun. It’s not the name of anything. These can’t be thins. Someone needs to come up with a name for them.