Recently, on a visit to our local garden centre, I found a sign displaying some useful information.
Hopefully you will gain as much valuable insight from this as I did.

Recently, on a visit to our local garden centre, I found a sign displaying some useful information.
Hopefully you will gain as much valuable insight from this as I did.
9 comments on “Garden centre assistance”
This is essential to modern life. Where can you buy these? Do they only come from garden centres?
I’m not sure, but if you want it I’ll get it for you next time I’m there.
Please. Do.
If you can get ten for ten pound ten then that I would be most grateful.
They only had one, but if I stride in there like Johnny Big Potatoes and start waving my ten pound ten around the place they’ll soon find another nine, you mark my words.
Nobody can resist the allure of the ten pound ten. I should know, it’s been my downfall at least half a dozen times.
It’s more money than most people have ever seen at one time. That’s what does it. Shock and awe. You whack out your massive ten pound ten note and you can hear the gasps.
All of this *gestures* is paying for me to be me, and that’s a price worth paying. If you’d like to pay for me to be me that would also be acceptable.
I see what you’ve done there, and I can’t help but admire it.
Thanks. You can’t immediately dive in there with a joke every single time. Sometimes you have to let it simmer, like a good soup.