Yesterday we went to an actual castle to watch an actual jousting tournament. Not a display for tourists where everything is choreographed, but actual real jousting, with proper spears, and people in real armour competing for actual prizes.

Norway were the winners. I will not be taking questions. Thank you.
13 comments on “Jousting update”
I would like to ask one question despite the last sentence of this post. Can I ask my question?
Was that your question?
Yes it was. I’m all done now.
Thank you for not asking me questions that I will not be taking. However, I have a question which I wish to ask.
When the question arrives, can I choose the font it’s asked in?
Of course. It’s on its way, and in fact it’s not far away now, so if you want to select a font then now is the time.
In the spirit of Gorg, can it be in Verdana?
Absolutely. The question will be in Verdana when it arrives.
It’s not here yet.
Do we have any minions who can signal when the question is due to turn up? Preferably placed along a castle wall, with trumpets, crumpets or a double bass?
There’s no time for minions. Stand back please, the question has arrived.
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
*feels the tectonic blast of the question*
Damn son, that’s one hell of a question.
Thank you. I find myself wondering if anyone will answer it at any point, but unfortunately I can’t find out because that would require me to ask a second question, with all the font-choosing and minion-signalling rigmarole all over again.
Then it’s probably best we end it here.