Railways! What are they, anyway? In this incredible new documentary, TV personality Smidge Manly hopes to find out.
You can watch it online here or on the Pouring Beans Productions Vimeo page.
Railways! What are they, anyway? In this incredible new documentary, TV personality Smidge Manly hopes to find out.
You can watch it online here or on the Pouring Beans Productions Vimeo page.
8 comments on “Railways with Smidge Manly”
What I gained from watching this cannot be put into words, other than a strong desire to high five anything with a face within a ten mile radius.
I hope that is enough to convey the joy of this program.
YES! Are you going to High Five their face?
Of course. Their face definitely deserves a high five more than anyone else.
I had been thinking for a long time that “Railways with Smidge Manly” merited widespread face fives, but I wasn’t sure if I should say anything. Now it’s out in the open I feel very pleased, not to mention relieved.
Is that where you high five someone’s face or headbutt them in an attempt to replicate a high five using a face instead of hands?
It’s definitely the first one. The second one gets you thrown out of the sort of classy establishments I like to frequent.
Do you take that champagne glass or do they supply their own?
They have plenty of their own, but I like to take my personalised crystal goblet with me when I am planning an evening of refined quaffing.