Avatar Christening: Order of Service

The Christening of
Changlet Christopher Ian Paul McIver Hill
led by the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu

Order of Service

York Minster, Deangate, York, YO8 7HH – Monday 18 April 2016

Cross and Dove

Hymn: O Lord You Are Definitely Real And We Believe In You

The Archbishop of York to read from the Book of Revelations, chapter 12 verse 18, “The Unwavering Faith of the Hills”

Hymn: Let This Child Be Raised Unto God


Bible reading by the father of the child, Mr Chang, from the Book of Lego, chapter 8 verse 66, “Silence Thee Atheist Scum, for Jesus is my Wingman”

Deployment of Changlet into the font for the Solemn Holy Dunking

Hymn: Take Thee This Freshly Moistened Child And Send Him To Sunday School

Sermon by the Archbishop of York: the tribulations of St. Menendez The Faithful in the Replacement of the Taps


Prayer, led by Changlet himself, who has been provided with a text-to-speech system and a loudspeaker.
Changlet: We Need Three
Congregation: We Are Three
All: Amen

Hymn: I Just Got My Scout Badge For Praying Lots

Organ recital of Handel’s “Heretic Waltz” as congregation departs


Sausage rolls and Vimto will be served in the Pig and Whistle function room from 15:00.

16 comments on “Christening: Order of Service

  • Shit me through a keyhole, I forgot this was on today! Was it a nice ceremony?

  • I heard a rumour that if you wore one of then super expensive Crab t-shirts you didn’t have to pay the entry fee.

  • I wasn’t wearing one of those. Mine was an NWA t-shirt with the N-word written across the back in Gothic letters.

    I was also wearing my swimming shorts.

  • That is your favourite set of clothes. I remember when you turned up for Kev’s wedding in that. Oh, did it shock but what a statement!

    I was gonna wear three pairs of socks and a girdle.

  • To be fair I paired it with a lurid South Park tie for Kev’s wedding, thus turning it into stylish formal evening wear.

  • Four. Four people could pull that off. I am one of them. David Furnish is another, but he chooses not to. The other two people I am not at liberty to disclose.

  • … should it not have been called “The Chang-ening” rather than a christening?

    Granted “The Chang-ening” sounds more like a horror film than the celebration of a child but it fits better in my view.

  • No. I don’t like that.

    Hey, do you remember when people other than the two of us used to come here and write stuff?

  • Did they? Do you mean when our website was the number one zorse resource site?

  • ‘ees got the look of the six wide about ‘im!

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