Avatar Episode 16: Socks

I know, I know, I missed a month. It’s sort of worth the wait though, Chris gets sweary at the start of this one and wait ’til you hear next month’s episode… phew.

Anyway, this time we discuss:

  • Socks
  • Socks over Socks
  • Bed Socks
  • Socks
  • Clothes over clothes
  • Fleece.

19 comments on “Episode 16: Socks

  • I bet you do wear two pairs of trousers at the same time. It’s been over a year, your double clothing habits have probably expanded out of all control by now.

  • I did it once or twice. Even I think two pairs of trousers are a little too much. Not a step too far, because I would do it again at the drop of a hat, but a little too much. In fact, if both of you sponsor my walking doggo charity event I’ll do some steps in two pairs of trousers.

  • I have, yes. My fear was that the one-off double trouser madness might have since turned into a regular abomination. Thankfully it seems we’ve all been spared that outcome.

  • It feels wrong. Two pairs of trousers feels wrong. It is far too restrictive and I don’t like it. Now if someone could come up with a patent for a pair of trousers within a pair of trousers that was snug and roomy (simultaneously) I would be on-board with that PR disaster.

  • If you actually want to wear two pairs of trousers at once, then you don’t need a patent for a new type of trouser. You just need the outer pair to be bigger than the inner pair.

    Regardless of that, though, my advice remains: don’t.

  • Doing it yourself is dumb. Getting someone else to do it properly and then charging you for the privilege is the right way. I don’t want some half-baked, half-arsed double trouser mess, I want a professional pair of double trousers.

  • I’m sure Wish will sell them. It’ll take 18 weeks to arrive but it’ll be worth it. If not, people on Etsy take requests, don’t they?

  • I do. Visit my onlyfans.com and after paying the subscription charge, and a little extra for me, feel free to send your requests direct to my assistant.

  • No you’re not. Stop it, before I report you to the International Nudey Lady Association for trading under false nudeyladyness.

  • Take a look at my legs. They’re lady legs.
    Take a look at my arms. Lady arms.
    I’ve got lady cheeks, two pairs, and a lady back. I am, at last count, 55% lady making me, by law, enough of a lady to pass the strict requirements of the International Nudey Lady Association.

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